Wirral Evolutions

Enriching Lives of People with Disabilities & Maximising Potential #OneLifeLetsLiveIt


Volunteer Action Group

Our Volunteer Action Group is an opportunity for volunteers to meet each other and engage with our services. Come and learn more about the range and breadth of activities undertaken by fellow volunteers and discuss all aspects of volunteering with Wirral Evolutions Day Services. 

If you wish to join the group, please email Wirral Evolutions Admin weadmin@wirral.gov.uk or call our Corporate Services office at 0151 637 2030 for more information.

You can also sign up here for our volunteer newsletter and receive updates for volunteers directly to your inbox (please select the volunteer option on the form to ensure you get the relevant updates).

Next Meeting Information

Dates of meetings/events for 2024 to be announced here once confirmed

Agendas and Previous Minutes

Volunteer Action Group Agenda April 2023     Volunteer Action Group Minutes April 2023